full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sarah Kaminsky: My father the forger

Unscramble the Blue Letters

All my childhood, while my friends' dads would tell them Grimm's firay tales, my father would tell me seirots about very umiuassnng heroes with unshakeable utopias who managed to make maleicrs. And those heroes did not need an army behind them. Anyhow, nobody would have followed them, except for a handful [of] men and women of conviction and courage. I understood much later that actually it was his own story my father would tell me to get me to sleep. I asked him whether, considering the sacrifices he had to make, he ever had any regrets. He said no. He told me that he would have been unable to winstes or submit to injustice without doing anything. He was persuaded, and he's still cenvnciod that another world is possible — a world where no one would ever need a forger. He's still dreaming about it. My father is here in the room today. His name is aodflo Kaminsky and I'm going to ask him to stand up. (Applause) Thank you.

Open Cloze

All my childhood, while my friends' dads would tell them Grimm's _____ tales, my father would tell me _______ about very __________ heroes with unshakeable utopias who managed to make ________. And those heroes did not need an army behind them. Anyhow, nobody would have followed them, except for a handful [of] men and women of conviction and courage. I understood much later that actually it was his own story my father would tell me to get me to sleep. I asked him whether, considering the sacrifices he had to make, he ever had any regrets. He said no. He told me that he would have been unable to _______ or submit to injustice without doing anything. He was persuaded, and he's still _________ that another world is possible — a world where no one would ever need a forger. He's still dreaming about it. My father is here in the room today. His name is ______ Kaminsky and I'm going to ask him to stand up. (Applause) Thank you.


  1. convinced
  2. miracles
  3. stories
  4. fairy
  5. witness
  6. adolfo
  7. unassuming

Original Text

All my childhood, while my friends' dads would tell them Grimm's fairy tales, my father would tell me stories about very unassuming heroes with unshakeable utopias who managed to make miracles. And those heroes did not need an army behind them. Anyhow, nobody would have followed them, except for a handful [of] men and women of conviction and courage. I understood much later that actually it was his own story my father would tell me to get me to sleep. I asked him whether, considering the sacrifices he had to make, he ever had any regrets. He said no. He told me that he would have been unable to witness or submit to injustice without doing anything. He was persuaded, and he's still convinced that another world is possible — a world where no one would ever need a forger. He's still dreaming about it. My father is here in the room today. His name is Adolfo Kaminsky and I'm going to ask him to stand up. (Applause) Thank you.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
false papers 14
forged documents 3
world war 2
years older 2
algerian war 2

Important Words

  1. adolfo
  2. applause
  3. army
  4. asked
  5. childhood
  6. conviction
  7. convinced
  8. courage
  9. dads
  10. dreaming
  11. fairy
  12. father
  13. forger
  14. handful
  15. heroes
  16. injustice
  17. kaminsky
  18. managed
  19. men
  20. miracles
  21. persuaded
  22. regrets
  23. room
  24. sacrifices
  25. sleep
  26. stand
  27. stories
  28. story
  29. submit
  30. tales
  31. today
  32. told
  33. unable
  34. unassuming
  35. understood
  36. unshakeable
  37. utopias
  38. witness
  39. women
  40. world